Scope of Work:
- Rehabilitation of 7 spillway gates
- Geophysical survey performed
- Add new top girders, new strut arms, new strut arm braces, new girder braces, new steel plates, repair skin plate
- Furnish and install new stop log seals and seal bar clamps (6)
- New side rollers
- New cathodic protection
- New seals and seal bar clamps
Modifications / Repairs:
- Blast spillway gates to SSPC-SP10 and apply zinc, epoxy, urethane coating system
- Blast and coat 7 spillway stoplogs
- Blast and coat 7 service outlet stoplogs
- Remove and replace 7 sluice gates
- Remove and replace 7 sluice gate access ladders
- Replace seals and seal bar clamps on service outlet stoplogs
- Concrete crack repairs, concrete joint repairs, concrete spall repairs
- Void filling