For the most environmentally friendly safe, and cost effective solution to reduce vapor loss , install Emission shield aluminum internal floating roofs in your above ground storage tanks.
75% reduction in vapor loss vs skin and pontoon roof designs.
Fully API 650 Annex H Code compliant.
Significantly reduces fire danger.

Emission Shield® Features
The best solution for reducing product loss in storage tanks.
Sets the standard for best available technology.
25% less installation time.
98% less weld length immersed in product.

Streamlined design and efficiency of construction.
Cost Effective
40% fewer panels to erect and weld.
80% less rim butt welds.
How it works
We ensure quality & support for an innovative solution in the storage tank industry.

Emission Shield® is a full contact aluminum internal floating roof (IFR) system engineered to significantly reduce carbon footprint over traditional steel and aluminum internal floating roofs. Additionally, Emission Shield® virtually eliminates vapor space under the floating roof, significantly reducing fire danger. Emission Shield® sets the standard for best available technology (BAT) and is fully API 650 Annex H Code compliant.
Tank owners will appreciate Emission Shield's features and benefits over competing products because of the streamlined design and efficiency of construction. Installation time is reduced because there are 40% fewer panels to erect and weld on a typically sized roof. With 0% emission deck seams, vapor loss is reduced by 75% when compared to traditional skin and pontoon roofs. Emission Shield has 98% less weld length immersed in the product than competing products (4" vs. 20' per panel). This allows for more focused and rigorous NDE of the wetted (critical) area and vastly reduces the possibility of "hot panels" being created by product incursion.
The Emission Shield® floating roof incorporates the inherent buoyancy advantage of closed chamber floating roofs over raft style floating roofs while significantly reducing or eliminating the potential for product incursion into the closed compartments. Our design has approximately 80% less rim butt welds than competitors resulting in longer more stable rims. Emission Shield's low profile coupled with its cable suspension maximizes tank storage capacity.
See our Presentation