Need a storage silo for your recycled plastic?  Tarsco Bolted Tank completed two 54.43ft diameter by 113.92ft high carbon steel industrial storage silos in Alabama.  The product being stored is recycled plastic with a usable capacity of 245,405.95 cubic feet and nominal usable capacity of 3,681.09 tons.  Tarsco Bolted Tank’s engineers are ready to design your custom silo for plastic pellet/resin storage which can include accessories such as a guardrail, ladders, high and low level indicator mounts, vents, manways and roof access hatches.  Contact Bill Tilton at (918) 791-3503 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more.

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Corporate offices
25000 Pitkin Road - Spring, TX 77386, United States
Phone: 866-700-2500
57 Old Onondaga Road West - Brantford, ON N3T 5M1, Canada
Phone: 519-756-8222
Fax: 519-753-1453
Toll Free: 1-877-252-7826