Designed by a former Navy EOD Diver, our dive simulation tanks are climate controlled, easy to use, and have a zero-accident safety record. The US space training program is entirely based on the US Navy Dive Manual, so we knew exactly what to build and how to provide the results you require.

Ours underwater tanks can be modified to simulate a zero-gravity environment for astronaut training. Our above-ground, cylindrical neutral buoyancy tanks are able to attach replicate spacecraft for added realism for extravehicular activities (space-walking).
Our tanks can be used to help military and private aerospace companies develop flight procedures, conduct research, and prepare for space missions in a safe, controlled environment without having to ask the government for permission to access their facilities.
Designed by a former Navy EOD Diver, our dive simulation tanks are climate controlled, easy to use, and have a zero-accident safety record. The US space training program is entirely based on the US Navy Dive Manual, so we knew exactly what to build and how to provide the results you require.
- 24/7 access to clean, filtered, treated water.
- Heated water to provide a continuous 86deg.
- Controllable water depth, current, and flow.
- Hyper-realistic space simulation features.
- Attach spacecraft replicas to the side of tanks.
- Above-ground simulation tanks of any size.
- Blacked-out walls to better simulate space.
- Avoid cranes with walk in and out stairwells.
- Large working platforms permit large dive crews.
- Scissor lift dive injury victims to ground level.