Tarsco Bolted Tank installs wastewater treatment and industrial storage tanks. Our systems are suitable for all stages of wastewater treatment including mixing tanks, flocculation tanks, sedimentation tanks and others.
Tarsco Bolted Tank installs wastewater treatment and industrial storage tanks. Our systems are suitable for all stages of wastewater treatment including mixing tanks, flocculation tanks, sedimentation tanks and others. Our factory-baked powder-coating system provides the best long-term corrosion protection.
Tarsco Bolted Tank’s capabilities continue to expand. As always, using bolted steel tanks that are far superior to all other storage tank products available today, Tarsco Bolted Tank’s storage capacities are made flexible by adding or removing a ring of side staves. These tanks can be shipped worldwide in compact, manageable packages or containers which reduce freight charges and allow for easier handling. Damaged or corroded components are easily replaced without expensive tools or equipment.
We consider the following:
- Appropriate design standards and codes
- Operating temperature
- Corrosion considerations/pH/ acidic levels
- Operating environment
- Materials of construction
- Thermal expansion
- Chemical resistance
- Secondary containment
We offer a variety of wastewater storage tank applications, including:
- Equalization
- Sludge
- Aerobic digester
- Anaerobic digester
- Clarifier
- Trickling filter
- Settling